Biblical Meaning


The number 3 in the Bible Meaning of number 3 in the Bible. You may know expressions such as: “Three times is ship’s law” or “All good comes in three.” Exactly where these expressions come from is uncertain, but the number three plays a major role. And that has to[…]


All your teeth fall out. And then you wake up. Has this ever happened to you? It is not an unusual dream. Chances are that this dream has nothing to do with your oral care. It appears that this dream is often caused by another variable in your life. It seems that a dream about your teeth[…]

Prophetic And Spiritual Meaning Of Flies 

What is the prophetic meaning of flies and what is a fly omen. The fly is seen by mankind as a scourge and dirty animal. But is that true? Like all other animals, the fly is part of creation and fulfills an important link in the whole just like you. The fly brings[…]

Dreaming of a Dead Person Being Alive Meaning

Dreaming of a dead person being alive can sometimes be sad, scary, or confusing. The unimaginable pain experienced after losing a loved one can seem devastating, and many times dreams are messages from our unconscious about our deepest thoughts and emotions. It’s important to consider the hidden meaning behind these[…]

Three Knocks In The Bible

Three Knocks In The Bible what mean?. Jesus is telling us here that, when we are searching for an answer or a solution to a problem, we should actively expend effort to resolve the difficulty. He presents three different forms of seeking things, and each pictures different intensities of effort: Asking[…]

What Does The Number 4 Mean Prophetically

What does the number 4 mean prophetically?. Number four is the number of the cross. There are four letters in God’s name: JHVH There are four rivers flowing out from Eden. Genesis 2:10 Pishon – Gihon – Tigris – Euphrates Winds and Beasts “I saw in my vision by night,[…]

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