Feng Shui at your workplace
Is your career in a slump, have you been waiting in vain for years for promotion, and has your enthusiasm and creativity regarding your work fallen to zero?
Time for action
Reorganize your workplace.
It does not matter what kind of work or what kind of company, the following tips can help you boost your energy levels and make your career prosper.
Place objects that remind you of your purpose and ambitions on the wall behind your computer. Newspaper articles, photos of people you admire, a planning schedule, etc.
Place something beautiful such as a stone, a statue, or a framed photo on the left side of your desk. This is not to lose you in your work and to remind you of the spiritual side of life.
Don’t overdo it, too many photos of loved ones will distract you. Place them in the middle and top right of your desk.
Make sure that you sit with your back against a sturdy wall and that you are from your seat door and window can see.
- Place one buro lamp on the left corner (if you are in front of it) of your desk, this to improve your financial situation.
- Place the telephone on the right, this ensures that the people you get on the line will be helpful.
- If you are left-handed, place your address / telephone book on the right for the same reasons as the placement of the telephone.
- The left side is the place for knowledge, so put reference works, dictionaries, guides, encyclopedias and such links.
- If you have creative work, journalism or graphic design, etc. then a desk with round shapes ideal, work with numbers, a rectangular desk with rounded corners is best.
- Right away rectangular bag or handbag it becomes easier to also complete projects that you start.
- You computer will be the most important place in it center take part of your desk. A place that stands for fame and recognition.
Precious stones
Do you want gems on your desk? Precious stones can increase your energy, so place one or more on your desk with features that appeal to you:
Citrine – brings self-confidence, optimism and money.
Rose quartz – brings harmony
Bloodstone – helps you make decisions
Tiger’s Eye – stimulates creativity
Jade – increases concentration
If you value a cultural or religious icon, and it gives you a sense of peace and inspiration, you can put it in a prominent place. For example:
- Buddha for peace and tranquility
- A dancing shiva for energy
- Toth, the Egyptian God for wisdom
Bring nature in
Nature has a calming effect. So put some pebbles, shells, feather pieces of wood, or whatever you want on your desk.
Your own cup or cup
Is probably nicer to look at than the office earthenware or plastic, and can mean a bright spot in the day.