Best Way How to Clean Dentures –homemade cleaner PLUS TIPS
How to Clean Dentures, homemade cleaner PLUS TIPS! Natural DIY✔️ You are also faced with the annoying problem: you have to clean your dentures! 10 tips and tricks for the correct care of dentures – discoloration has no chance. At first, the third ones are radiant white and you enjoy them when you look in the mirror, but after a short time, slight discoloration, for example from coffee or nicotine, can appear.
Annoying, isn’t it? After all, the cost that is being called for a good denture is not entirely negligible. What can you do yourself to alleviate or even prevent this discoloration? We have put together 10 tips and tricks for you to perfectly clean third parties:
10 tips for optimal denture cleaning
If you want to chew, talk and laugh with third parties as you would with your real teeth, you have to look after them at least as well. Without regular brushing, plaque and biofilm form on artificial teeth and the surface of the prosthesis.
Tartar is a danger to the denture
If the soft plaque on the denture is not brushed away in time, tartar will form from it. The dentures can become discolored and the surface becomes rough. Particularly problematic are niches and hollows in which the plaque collects and is difficult to reach with the brush. With unpleasant consequences:
- If tartar adheres to the fasteners, the prosthesis may no longer fit properly.
- Tartar on the denture can cause bad breath and mouth fungus.
- Hidden food particles under the prosthesis are food for harmful bacteria.
- The risk of inflammation increases.
Be careful if the prosthesis jams
The prosthesis should be easy to remove without great effort. If it doesn’t fit together properly, if it jams or if it is difficult to remove, this can be the first alarm signal for tartar on the connecting elements.
Now is the time to visit the dentist’s office.
10 tips for a clean prosthesis: How to clean properly
Would you like to have something from your third party for a long time? Then we have some important tips for you here!
1 – Clean the denture every day
Thoroughly clean the dentures once a day. Be sure to thoroughly brush both the outside and the inside.
2 – Use a special toothbrush
Use a different brush than your teeth to clean the denture. Here, for example, a denture toothbrush is recommended, with which you can better get into the small hollows. In addition, the handle of the special brush is thicker, which makes it easier to hold on if you have motor difficulties.
3 – Use PH-neutral soap or washing paste
Put some pH-neutral soap or washing paste on the bristles to clean them. Warning: do not use toothpaste! The paste contains tiny abrasives that roughen the plastic of the prosthesis. This leads to cracks and furrows in which dental plaque can accumulate.
4-Get used to a cleaning technique
A special cleaning technique is important to ensure that all surfaces of the denture are clean.
For example: First clean the outside of the prosthesis with circular, brushing movements, then the inside, the chewing surfaces and niches. And finally, ensure clean conditions on the saddle of the prosthesis. In particular, make sure to clean the spaces between the teeth and the inner surfaces of the prosthesis.
5 – Only touch plastic and metal parts
When removing the prosthesis, make sure that you only touch the sturdy plastic and metal parts. Do not touch the fine fastening elements, otherwise the prosthesis may no longer fit properly.
6 – Rinse after every meal
After each meal, please rinse the prosthesis under running water. Caution: First fill the sink halfway with water or put a towel in it. If you drop the prosthesis while cleaning, it will land softer and won’t break.
7 – Don’t forget oral care
Mouthwashes are a good addition to daily care. In addition, clean the alveolar ridges and the palate with a soft toothbrush and massage the gums with light pressure. Don’t forget your tongue. You can also use a toothbrush or special tongue cleaners for this.
8 – Ultrasonic devices for better cleaning
The pressure waves of the ultrasound device dissolve deposits such as tea and nicotine deposits and tartar particularly thoroughly. In combination with special cleaning solutions, ultrasonic devices are a very good choice for the care of prostheses.
9 – Professional cleaning in the practice or the dental laboratory
If you do not trust yourself to thoroughly clean your dentures, you can get help from the professionals in the dental practice and the dental laboratory. Ask your dentist for more information.
10 – Prophylaxis and professional cleaning of teeth and dentures
Regular appointments for prophylaxis and professional cleaning in the dental practice are a basic requirement in order to be able to go through life happily with third parties and your own teeth for a long time.
Take a few tips with you and see what fits into your cleaning habits. If you have any questions, ask your dentist. The experts in the practice will give you further tips for the optimal care of dentures and your natural teeth.
Cleanse after every meal
It might be annoying, but the best way to avoid discoloration is to really clean your dentures right after every meal. If you are an active person and travel a lot, this may not always be possible, but as the saying goes: where there is a will, there is a way! A small toothbrush or toothpaste really fits in every handbag or backpack and many public toilets have their own washbasin in the separate toilet area. So you can clean your prosthesis in peace and quiet.
Use cleaning tabs
What is certainly one of the preventive methods is the use of cleaning tabs. If you use them regularly, coarse discoloration can be prevented before it even occurs. But even if there are stains, it is not too late. You can fight them well with cleaning tabs.
Nightly care is certainly the simplest method: use the time while you are sleeping to get your prosthesis ready for the next day. It is best to put them in a liquid (dissolved cleaning tabs) before going to bed and the next morning the day can start again perfectly and with a radiant smile.

The good old toothbrush
Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of toothbrush and toothpaste stain removal. Dentists advise brushing twice a day, but three times is even better if you can find the time. In this way you get bacteria and other stain devils on your skin at an early stage.
Toothpaste with abrasive particles
“For visibly whiter teeth” – you are probably familiar with this phrase from television advertising. But it is not that wrong if you take a closer look at toothpastes with so-called abrasive particles. In principle, they work a little like sandpaper, ie when you brush your denture, dirt particles adhering to the surface are simply rubbed off with it. The positive effect: a new shine is created. But be careful: it can also turn negative if you use this method too often. It is better to use in moderation, otherwise the sensitive surface of the artificial teeth will be damaged. It is best to read the instruction leaflet or the package insert carefully and pay attention to the corresponding recommendations for use of the respective product.
Abstinence from consumption
Even if it is sometimes difficult and we don’t want to hear it, but not consuming is often the best method to avoid negative effects on our body – this is also the case with dentures. These are particularly prone to discoloration and staining if we smoke too much or drink alcohol, coffee, tea, or fruit juices. So maybe light the cigarette a few times less or rather switch to the water – it’s not just the teeth that are happy.
Prosthesis in the dishwasher
Many wouldn’t believe it, but your dishwasher can do more than just clean glasses and pots. If you dare, simply put your prosthesis in it for the next wash cycle. Important here: To clean dentures, select a program up to a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius.
Bath in baking soda
It might sound a bit strange at first, but it is extremely efficient: to clean your dentures, simply bathe them in a bath with baking soda. This definitely helps to combat dark or yellowish discolored areas on your denture. Simply use conventional baking powder that you would otherwise use for your cake or for Christmas baking. Simply stir a tablespoon of it into 250ml of water and then bathe the prosthesis in it for a few hours if possible, even 24 hours if possible. You will be pleased with the result – and this method is absolutely easy on your wallet. Try it!
Vinegar essence acts as a bleaching agent
It is actually amazing how often vinegar essence is useful in the household – including your third parties . It has often proven itself as a bleaching agent. And this is how it works: The best thing is to take a medium-sized container and fill it with around 250ml of water. Simply put your prosthesis in and add about 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence. Here, too, you should give it time. It is best to leave your prosthesis in it for a day. Important: You should rinse your prosthesis thoroughly after removing it before you put it back in place. So what? Just enjoy the brightness!
Bathing in the ultrasonic bath
If your dentures are a bit more discolored, it may be advisable to contact your dentist or a dental laboratory. Both usually offer professional ultrasonic baths, which will certainly tackle coarser discolorations and stains even better. They cost a bit of money, because with a 60-minute treatment you have to plan around $15 to $20, but now and then you could certainly take the money in hand. If this cleaning method convinces you, you could alternatively consider purchasing your own ultrasonic cleaning device for dentures .