The Symbolic Meaning Of The Cross Of Jesus

All four evangelists write about the death of Jesus on the cross in the Bible. The death on the cross was not a Jewish way to execute people. The Romans had sentenced Jesus to death on the cross at the insistence of the Jewish religious leaders who incited the people.[…]

The Symbolic Meaning Of Letters In The Hebrew Bible

Hebrew alphabet meaning. The Hebrew alphabet consists of twenty-two letters. This Hebrew letter is not just a number of abstract linguistic elements that you can use to compile words and sentences, as is the case with the letters in the Dutch language. Hebrew letters have a special meaning. They all[…]


When you want to start your own business as a Christian, you usually first have to ask yourself which legal form is best for you. Most people go to the Chamber of Commerce unprepared and register as a sole trader, private limited company, or general partnership. Then they go to[…]

What is the left breast scratching for? Sign and reason

What does it mean when your breast itch superstition?. What does it mean when your tittes itch?. In ancient times there were many superstitions and signs associated with the human body. People today believe less in something elusive. Many regard these interpretations, yet it is not uncommon for young people to call[…]

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