What is the purpose of a decanter for whiskey?

Personally I love whisky decanters and over the years have amassed quite a few. My collection includes one or two special ones that were wedding gifts, but for the most part my collection comprises simple, inexpensive, everyday decanters. I keep one permanently on the kitchen counter, so that it is[…]


Least Painful Ear Piercings In Order (From LEAST painful to MOST painful based on customer feedback) Ear Lobe Navel Lip Nostril Eyebrow Tongue Daith Helix Dermal Anchor Stretching Rook Conch Industrial Septum Nipple Genitals Don’t forget guys, it’s all down to personal experience, so don’t be put off, if you really[…]

Hierba Luisa, Beneficios, Propiedades Y Para Qué Sirve

¿Hierba Luisa, Qué es? La Hierba Luisa es una planta medicinal que aportará muchísimos beneficios a tu organismo gracias a las propiedades que posee; esta nos puede ayudar a mantener la salud o mejorarla. A continuación nombraremos algunos de ellos que seguramente te motivarán a empezar a consumirla. La Aloysia[…]

How Much Does A Cord Of Wood Weigh

The only legal unit measurement of firewood is the CORD. A CORD is defined as: ” a loosely stacked pile of split firewoodmeasuring 4 ft. wide x 4 ft. high x 8 ft. long.” The total volume of a CORD is equal to 128 cubic feet. There is no legal standard for the “Face Cord”but[…]

100 Top Unique Female Dog Names And Meanings

Unique female dog names with meaning Girl dog names with meanings. Choosing a name for your dog is, besides choosing the puppy, the best thing there is when you take a dog. The categorized names will help you on your way to choosing the fun, meaningful or tough name. Use the menu[…]

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